Why should we want awakening? A student-teacher conversation with Dharmabodhi Kolbjorn Martens
Awakening – what was once a spiritual goal for devoted practitioners has become a trendy lifestyle term. You find teachers who claim to be awaken on Instagram, can participate in awakening courses, etc. But why should we want awakening? And what is awakening? In this conversation with my teacher Dharmabodhi I confess, that awakening is not my goal, at least not right now. We discuss, how Dharmabodhis life has changed, which “karmic tigers” he had to face and how the practice has changed his life and we talk about my fear of awakening as I assume that awkaneing is not something per se a happyshinyholy experience. You find Dharmabodhi Kolbjorn Martens in the Internet: www.trikamahasiddhayoga.com https://www.facebook.com/trika.yoga108/?ref=page_internal and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trikamahasiddhayoga/?hl=de
You find more information about me here: www.house-of-grace.de www.instagram.com/sandra_von_zabiensky
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