House of Grace

House of Grace

House of Grace ist dein inspirierendes Podcast-Zu…

# 18 - Ekabhumi Ellik about Kali, Spiritual Art, Loss, Devotion and Dharma

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In this episode of House of Grace, I have the great honor to interview the devotional artist, spiritual teacher, Tantrika, award-winning poet and beautiful human Ekabhumi Ellik. You may know his drawings from the books “Shakti Awakening” by Sally Kempton or “Tantra Illuminated” by Dr. Christopher Wallis. Get to know the fascinating person behind the pictures in this honest and open interview. We talk about how Ekabhumi found spirituality, about awakening, his relationship to Kali, his devotion, losing everything, spiritual art and how he creates it, we talk about Dharma and what it means to him and how it is to live in a Christian-tantric-marriage. I was so overwhelmed by the beauty of everything he said that at a certain point I even lost my words. Apologies for that, but you will understand why, when you listen to this more than inspiring, incredible kind and modest human. Please take some minutes and enjoy this talk between two people, who meet each in other in the raw and vulnerable place of honesty. I hope this conversation and Ekabhumis words spark as much inspiration for you as it did for me. Enjoy. <3 Where you can study with Ekabhumi Ellik: Websites of his teachers: About Ekabhumi Ellik: Ekabhumi Charles Ellik is an award-winning poet, author, devotional artist, yoga instructor, emcee, and event producer. His primary spiritual practice is creating sacred art. Through a ritualized and meditative creative method, he makes artworks for ceremonial and educational use that help people recognize the divinity of common experiences and find meaning in daily life. His artworks may be found in yoga studios, private homes, and on altars around the world. A seasoned instructor with a wide-range of skills, he helps students to expand awareness as a service to the Divine Mother. His name was given by his first guru during a formal initiation ceremony into a yogic lineage in 2005. Since that time, he has studied with many spiritual teachers and traditional artists both in India and the States. Ekabhumi’s writing and artwork has been published widely, appearing in anthologies and journals like The Poetry of Yoga, Berkeley Fiction Review, and Pearl, as well as books like Tantra Illuminated by Christopher Hareesh Wallis and Awakening Shakti by Sally Kempton. His instructional Shakti Coloring Book and the uplifting Bhakti Coloring Book are now available world-wide from Sounds True Press. Though his first love is art, he has a wide range of interests that are reflected in his many past occupations: Yoga instructor, stock options broker, handyman, journalist, ski boot fitter, competitive surfer and champion sailor. He toured internationally as a performance poet, and the poets he coached won numerous regional and national titles. He hosted writer’s groups, produced poetry readings and organized spoken-word festivals for nearly 20 years, culminating in the wildly successful 2009 Individual World Poetry Slam. For nearly two decades, he has taught yoga asana, sacred art, painting, public speaking, and creative writing to students ranging from kindergarten to post-graduate level. Ekabhumi is an inspiring, playful yet methodical teacher who utilizes the arts to help students cultivate deeper intuitive states. He is currently core faculty of On weekends, he can be found in his garden practicing silence and learning directly from Nature.


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Über diesen Podcast

House of Grace ist dein inspirierendes Podcast-Zuhause für die großen und kleinen Fragen und Antworten des Lebens. Humorvoll, radikal ehrlich, erfrischend anders und ohne spirituelles Esogedöns spricht Sandra mit und ohne Gäste über Spiritualität, Weiblichkeit, Lifestyle und naja, einfach alles.
Instagram: @sandra_von_zabiensky

Sandra von Zabiensky lebt, was sie schreibt. Sie besitzt nur noch, was in ihr Auto passt (zugegebenermaßen ein geräumiger Geländewagen), hat sich mit Mitte 40 neu erfunden und wohnt mit ihrem Partner und Hund Elmo momentan an der südfranzösischen Atlantikküste. Sie lebt grundsätzlich nach dem Prinzip „Mut vor Komfort“, glaubt an die Kraft von Pleasure und hat durch Tantra in ein freies, in sich selbst gegründetes Sein gefunden. In Workshops, Coachings, Kursen und Ausbildungen teilt sie ihr Wissen und ihren Weg. Darüber hinaus ist auch international unterrichtende Yogalehrerin, Teil des Lehrer:innen-Teams der Plattform YogaEasy, schreibt mit Leidenschaft, unter anderem für das bekannteste Yoga-Online-Magazin FuckLuckyGoHappy und die Zeitschrift Yoga Aktuell.
In ihrer Freizeit liebt sie Baguette-Schwertkämpfe in der Küche, Old School HipHop, immer und immer wieder das Meer sowie Nachos mit Käse.

von und mit Sandra von Zabiensky - House of Grace


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